Not Again!

We have three more abandoned kittens on the nursery.No sign of the mother cat.They are so small that it had Helen and I in the pet shop for kitten milk and a suitable bottle.I am definitely going soft in my old age.The bottle was to big so we now have pipets.I will keep you posted on how they are doing.How or why do I end up involved in this nonsense.
We have a lot of ordering to get done to get the Autumn crops started.Everytime we sat down to get started someone or a delivery would turn up at the gates.A large revolving door at the end of the drive may have been a better idea than gates.

As I mentioned I went to the pet shop with Helen.I don't move amongst the great British public very often and I am thankful for this.It always surprises me how gormless a lot appear to be,who for example walks along with their mouth half open and what has happened to women's fashion.It is terrible.Makes a lot of women look as rough as a bears arse.

Mainly dry and warm but overcast.

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