A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy

In the garden

If i forget to lock the bike before getting Matthew out of it I find i need to put him down outside so i can lock up and then unlock the house (it needs both hands). He always takes thus as an invitation to wander off and play - so we had a little splash in the puddles in the back garden before heading inside for tea.

Matthew very helpfully tried to climb into the high chair on his own while i was over the other side of the room and before i could get to him he'd pulled it over on top of himself, giving himself a right clonk on the forehead with the edge of the tray. Still feel awful thinking about it now, though it seems to be no worse than a bruise and he perked right back up after a wail and a cuddle. Poor boy!

I feel a slight urge to stick my head in the bedroom and check on him before i head to bed myself, even though i wouldn't normally risk waking him.

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