Newcastle life

By Puffling

Stress-ball house

Just got home from work after a 13 hour day (and on-call if needed for the next 11 hours too) so not much chance to get a good picture to blip!

Today, I had a phone call from my mortgage advisor as he realised that I had yet more forms to sign, so I had to make a quick dash over to see him at lunch time. He popped out to get the forms and I took a sneaky blip of his desk! His big shiny desk and big chair make him look very official but then he has a little house on the desk which is a stress-ball. It would appear by the state of it (the chimney looks as if it's about to fall off) that he might be a bit stressed too. Thankfully he seems like a really nice guy which makes the whole process a lot more bearable.

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