View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Victorian Market Inverness

This is the back entrance to the Victorian Market in Inverness.
Up early this morning and off to Inverness as we had a busy day ahead of us. First thing get dosing for the sheep, then along to Screwfix as I wanted some clamps for my loom. Into town and up to Vision Express to get the eyes tested. We were there a whole hour. We decided not to pick glasses just now as there is not much change in the eyes so will do it another day when we have more time. We had lunch, a KFC and really enjoyed it as we never have them. Off to the hospital and round and round looking for a car space but in the end had to drop The Crofter off and I had to do another tour round but eventually found one.
Hearing aid reprogrammed and sorted so hope they will be better now. A visit to Tesco to get bread and milk as they didn't have them in Ullapool the other day. A new Aldi store has opened so we had a look round that and a few more purchases. Last of all to B & Q as I wanted some compost and I got some cheap plants plus money off as it was pensioners day. A final stop at the Chippy and home. A busy day but got lots done.
Weather in Inverness was dry.

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