Newt in the grass

Many thanks to everyone for their comments, stars and hearts that placed Joe in the spotlight pages yesterday and also in the favourites. Still exciting.
Today it is very wet and grey.
I took Joe, our dog, out for a pee and on the way back, I saw this little fellow walking across the grass. I so nearly stood on him.
I took Joe in and picked up my camera.
I've seen plenty of newts in our little pond but this is the first time I have seen one on the grass.
(I suppose I could have taken one out of the pond and placed it on the grass, but that would somehow seem like cheating!)
I took a few photos of him as he marched along.
Should I return him to the pond or just let him get on with his life?
I decided not to interfere as they leave their ponds anyway.
I like newts.
Here's a grass song I rather like.

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