
By nicky


An emotional day. It wasn't my last day at work today, but it was the last day that I will see a lot of people that I work with as they are not in tomorrow. So today I was presented with my leaving card and present, accompanied by a lovely speech by my manager who thinks I've done a wonderful job while I've been there for these last 5 years. I'm slightly worried that once I'm gone, they'll find out that I didn't do as good a job as they think, but I guess I won't be there to see that so it's ok! I have no idea what tomorrow will be like, but it will feel very weird to leave my desk for the last time and know that I won't be going back there again.

By the way, I saw this grass circle on the way out to lunch today. I think it came off the wheels of the lawn mower, but it was just lying on the path, looking very photogenic!

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