
By WeeChris

Relax: it's just another rant.

I took some pictures at Seasalter this evening, actually quite a lot of them, during the importing process my computer had a hiccough, so I lost them all. Frankly, this does not amount to a hill of beans…

Am I becoming cynical because I am getting older, or do I have just cause?

(Beware this is going to get political)

Politics used to be about ideals and vision and the belief that although the world is very imperfect it can be improved by good people working towards common aims - this led to the emancipation of slaves and serfs, democracy, free trade, votes for women, unionisation, education for the masses, a goal of full employment, the welfare state and the NHS. Sometime, in the 1970's a paradigm shift occurred which decreed that greed was good, profit was always to be maximised, co-operative movements should be expunged, and that all public ownership of services, industries, and organisations must be dismembered so that free enterprise can exploit it, discarding what provides inadequate income or is deemed of little capital realisable value.

Meanwhile, at first tentatively, then with an increasing body of evidence, evidence which has become unassailable, we now know that human behaviour is wrecking our planet. A century ago there was evidence of this but it was easy to ignore. Now only the wilfully blind can deny it. Pollution used to be about dust and smog, smoke and sewage, contaminated rivers, soil which had been saturated with oil, or chemicals, or poisons, but now we know that almost the simplest, the most benign wastes which we produce; methane, carbon dioxide, particulates, soaps, detergents, fertilisers, organic acids, are changing the environment profoundly.

So why are there so few people warning us?

Where are the visionary politicians, stateswomen, eulogisers, sentinels? Why is there a deafening silence? The world climate is warming faster than it has done for at least five million years. Let me restate that: the climate is going through a seismic change - not seen since before the first human walked on the earth. This MUST be treated seriously! It is going to have devastating consequences; tomorrow and next month perhaps , in the next decade probably, before your children are dead certainly. Pause, think about that; devastating consequences, before your children are dead!

If there is an honest thinking, visionary politician in the world, now is the time for them to cry out this awful warning. Otherwise all IS lost.

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