
By JanBee

All is lost

Like dolls in their house,
Players play and singers sing,
As their tale unfolds.

So this morning, I took my camera out and got some rather goods shots.... I think... particularly one of Sadie swimming through a patch of yellow water lilies ....
... anyway work demands meant I didn't get round to looking at them until this afternoon ... but horror of horrors ... pictures flashed up then disappeared. SD card corrupt and unable to be read. A couple of hours spent trying to recover but to no avail ... all lost.
Went to photography club meeting and came back to find Mark watching a recording we'd made of Don Giovanni from Covent Garden ... my favourite opera I think and it was an absolutely brilliant production ... so settled down to watch it ... the realised I needed a blip .... so here you have it! Straight from the TV so don't look closely.

As well as excellent singing, the set and lighting were stunning and seemed to be able to make people appear and disappear .... more about it here if interested.

Am now exhausted... and off to bed, so will have to catch up tomorrow ....

yesterdays blip

... sorry for paucity of commenting ....

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