
By cowgirl

Remembering D-Day

Today we are remembering the sacrifices and triumphs of the D-Day landings that took place 70 years ago today. My Grandpa was far away from there, having been posted to India and as you can see, survived the war himself.

So many didn't, on all sides, troops and civilians.

Our freedom is priceless and yet some paid the ultimate price so that we could enjoy ours.

Thank you.

I forgot to say that the 2007 photo was taken on my only solo visit to Australia. We got to spend some quality time together and have a good chat. It was then that I knew that I had missed out on having him around whilst I was growing up in England. as he had been in Australia most of my life. Just 6 months later I was flying back to Australia for his funeral.

Also - the plaster on his knee always makes me smile. If he was still here I'd be teasing him about his ' war wound '!

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