#¤%@§ !!

I were driving to see my friend on a motorway when the car started to shake a bit. I decided to drive to the side to see what happened but before I got stopped that shaking increased and s bad smell filled the car. The tire had broken.

Could not think anything else than #¤%@§#¤"% !

Well, the swearing doesn't help, have to do something. I founded the warning triangle and took it hundred meters away from the car and called Otto. I have been thinking, that if the tire ever brokes in my car, I'll change it myself but on the side of the motorway that didn't come to mind and I waited Otto and his father to come help me.

The tires on Otto's car are 19" and the spare tire is 16" so the difference between the tires is huge.
We tried to call every tireshop at Imatra to find a 19" tire, but there were none at any store. So the conclusion: we can't drive with this car to Porvoo (over 220km) on thursday because the difference between the sizes of the tires may broke the wheel alignment. Luckily the insurance company will pay a rent car for us to get home. The Otto's car stays at Imatra until will get new tires (ordered new tires for all 4 wheel because they all are quite worn). Now we have to again manage with one car.

We have quite a bad karma with our cars this year..

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