
By todayoutof10


All across the country, students are graduating from secondary school. Not so much in my day, but now, it seems like a huge milestone in the lives of young adults.

I attended the graduation ceremony in my school this evening. My picture shows the outgoing head girl addressing her s6 chums, school staff, parents and assembled guests in the opening speech of the evening. And she was spectacular.

A whole year ago, during the election campaign for head boy and girl, the candidates tried their best to charm staff and garner votes. This girl came in to my office with hand made cupcakes. We got chatting. I asked her why she wanted to be head girl. She told me she was very bright, had really supportive parents and wanted to be a doctor. But she was shy and knew she had to be more confident and better able to put herself forward and speak up. And she thought being head girl would be the perfect challenge. I was sold, right then. I voted for her. She won.

Watching her, eloquently and confidently holding the entire room in the palm of her hand, I remembered the shy girl of a year ago and marvelled at how far she'd come. Whatever she decides to do - she'll nail it.

Those of us who work in education - we help to make that happen. What a privilege.

Blipchums, if we represent today - our head girl and everyone who's graduating this week - they represent tomorrow. And I can't wait to see what they achieve.

Today outof10? A confident 10 ❤️

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