Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


one of these Royal Mail bags was waiting for me at the post office! Could only mean one thing:

A new Folio book to replace my aging Penguin edition. Now I can read the English of Chaucer, the Gawain poet, and Langland, if indeed it was Langland who composed The Vision of Piers the Plowman . Yes, I know, American spelling you're thinking; but no that is one middle English spelling.

I'm having one of my 'good' days. Instead of slumping down in front of the TV or hunching over this machine I tuned up and played the dulcimer! I neglected it for a few weeks there. I've been playing the recorder again, too . Kathy's busy getting the garden into some sort of order and I helped her tidy the garage, too.

Heard what the President had to say from Normandy and a little bit of the BBC reporting. BBC America airs only two hours of news a day . . .

Edited to add: I catalog my books at LibraryThing
A small catalog of a dozen new books was enclosed with the shipment. Gone are the days when Folio published only about eighteen books a year. There was also a quote from Franz Kafka:
A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.

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