
By ElectricFish

D Day

I finished my daughter's bracelet today. It seemed appropriate. It is a day of commemoration. A day to remember....

My daughter Sarah came home from her life in Paris to care for her dying mother, my late wife, and worked tirelessly to ensure the end was as good as it could be. I can never repay her though no payment is wanted, necessary or required... Each charm has meaning. Each charm tells a story of her old life and her new life back home here in Ireland with her own new family.

Today, 70 years on from D Day, we remember the sacrifices of those who went to do what they though was right and just. Not meaning to take away anything from those brave men and women who went to war I also think of those left behind to care for families and eke out a life as best they could, uncomplaining.

I remember also those who now do their best today to try to overcome their struggles in life.....Thinking of you all.....just saying

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