
By tookie

Pond with water swirls

I spend a good part of this morning at the Bellevue Botanical Gardens strolling along with a good friend and shooting pictures. It's expanded and has several new buildings and a new entrance way. I'm not sure I like the new entrance made from harsher materials than the other wooden one. The entrance way is more difficult to get around to enter the gardens and doesn't seem as welcoming. But the plants, and flowers and gardens and woods were as lovely as ever. I'm hoping all this new construction doesn't mean future fees to be charged...hmmm. In Cleveland the Art Museum is free unless there is a very special exhibit on...not that this is the same as an art museum...but I like to seem more things free for the people so all can access beauty.

Now a quote I stepped upon literally earlier---

"Every gun that is made..Every warship launched...Every rocket fired signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed..Those who are cold and are not clothed"...---Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953

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