
By swephoto

Stembridge Windmill - High Ham

With house moves and new jobs, something had to give and sadly that was Blip. Having settled temporarily down in Somerset (Mrs E and I have moved in with her parents!) and the new job underway, I am determined to get back to blipping and whilst it might not be every day, I will certainly not be letting another 5 weeks go past!

This is Stembridge Windmill which dates back to 1820, it is the only thatched windmill left in Britain, and whilst smaller mills like this were once part of the fabric of almost every village in the area, this one is now unique. The National Trust open it up a few times a year, it wasn't open today but still lovely to see from the outside. It is surrounded by private gardens so difficult to get far enough back for a decent shot but was happy with this one in the end.

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