Californian Poppy

I love these wee beauties! They thrive on neglect and give and give and give :). Bit like me really!

This is not what I intended to blip today. No. Naturally,it was my intention to celebrate my 1500 with a shot which showed my photographic skills and artful eye for detail ;) I blame the rain this afternoon. It is persisting it down.

So instead my lovelies, you have a fleur. Yip. That is it, another flower. But hey, I love them so, perhaps the rain did me a favour :)

A huge big blip thank you to each and everyone of you who pop in and comment. So often you make me smile and make a dull day brighter xx

Enjoy your evening blippers....1500! I may have to crack open the cava x

Oh and a big shout out to blipper And good pal JB. Hope you have your snorkel to hand as you do your 5th moonwalk tonight. You are a blumming star girl

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