
By SilverImages

Mynydd Maen

"And a rock can feel no pain
And an island never cries
Paul Simon - I Am A Rock

Songs arrive unbidden at unexpected times, this time as I was driving home from dropping K2 off at the station for her return journey to Warwick after a brief interlude with us. Lovely to see her and spend a little time, finals over - look forward to a few weeks relaxing and letting go of the tension of study and preparation for exams.

Took Dad to visit Mum this afternoon. A new "friend" in the ward has been reading her poetry, Seamus Heaney. Wondered how Mum would respond to that? After dropping Dad back at home took a spontaneous detour to get some bread at the local convenience store. Bumped into E who I haven't spoken to for a few weeks, told me of their recent trip to Iona, in Scotland. Reminded me of my recent "Retreat" trip to Caldey, and also of the forthcoming weekend gathering with pilgrimage as the subject. Seemed to bring it all full circle to pilgrimage islands I suppose...

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