Tweed Ride

We went to Reykjavík today to have lunch at Iclandic Fish and Chips that has opened in a new place, not far from the old one. The fish was still very good.
On our way home we saw so many bicyclers that I thought we had been transported to Holland or something. On the news I heard that it was an event called tweed ride and people are supposed to put on their better clothes and go for a ride together with like minded people.
We charged the car at the fast charging station. I looked up how much the six kWh cost, that it took to get it up to 80% capacity. It is about fifty ISK, which one can say is the cost of driving from Reykjavík to Hveragerði. Compared to the methane which is costs about 400, it is really cheap and still very much cheaper compared to the bus which is 1000 per person.

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