
By elfin

Date day

Continue to make the most of our last few baby free days. This morning running out of milk turned in to us going for a leisurely brunch complete with paper reading. Unfortunately we then got soaked on the way home including the weird sensation of my bump getting wet as it sticks out so much!

Then had a lovely impromptu visit from a Turkish friend - she called in for a cuppa on her way to the airport and was great to catch up and show her the house (and my massive bump). She's back over in two weeks so hopefully will be able to catch up so she can meet the baby. She's very active in various social issues back in Turkey - from taking pictures of the recent protests to supporting a programme for the children in the town where the mining disaster was and much more - which really puts me to shame.
She's also tried to teach me Turkish - the very useful words I can remember are October, beer, two, thank you, ta, yes, no and son of a bitch! And that the word for the bird turkey is the same as the word for India in Turkish (same as French). O and one of the months shares the same word as oven. See I'm nearly fluent.

Did a few chores this afternoon, had a lovely snooze then went out on our second date of the day. This time to the cinema to see 22 Jump Street - not everyone's cup of tea I'm sure but I thought it was hilarious. Some real laugh out loud moments. And it helps that Channing Tatum is very easy on the eye. Followed it with a visit to wagamammas and a chicken chilli mem. Yum.

Today's help the baby along tactics: sex, chillies (obv not together!), stair climbing

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