Hungry Horse

My day started with an awful headache and it's finishing with one....but In between it was good...until tonight!

Missed my swimming because of headache. I was a bit miffed by this but would have been silly to go. Took pills and within three hours it had gone.

Had the horse visit from over the river. He did a good job weeding under our decking. I think I might invite him for weeding other parts of the garden.

I looked at some bikes and found one suitable. I'm not sure when I'll be able to buy it though.

Went into town and booked flights for holiday and also Toms return flights to Montana. Had lunch while we were out which was lovely.

Came home and hubby and son went of to see Arcade Fire while I got ready to entertain my friends.

Had a lovely evening and the food I made went down well. We were enjoying BGT when my eldest son came running in with Dolly...she has been knocked down :(

I've ended up taking her to the emergency vets. She is on a drip and will be there for the weekend. She has had X-rays and she has nerve damage to her pelvis. I've had a call from the vet and he said it's not looking good. I've hand fed the kittens tonight with something the vet gave me and tomorrow I need to get some bits to hand rear poor Dolly, I do hope the vet is wrong.

The credit card has really had a hole burnt in it today! ....and my headache has returned :(

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