
By LadyFindhorn

Tools of the Trade

My dilemma today was whether to brave the arctic blast and wet thawing snow in order to find an interesting blip, or to snuggle up in front of the fire with the Sunday papers and choose a blip closer to home. The papers and the closer- to -home blip won.
And so today's blip is of the tools in his Lordship's current occupation - a duel with mother nature in keeping the castle path and outside pavement clear of snow and safe for the nation to walk on. He has taken this combat to extremes and has been known to be out several times a day thwarting any build up the white stuff.
Because of the dubiety of current council guide lines on whether to clear or not to clear, he has taken to only clearing a channel through the snow, instead of coping with the whole width of pavement, thereby giving him a get out clause should anyone slip and injure themselves on the cleared bit.
His only tools in this marathon have been his trusty brush and a small shovel, only occasionally augmented by a huge spade and a liberal sprinkling of sea salt.
Today, nature appears to have thrown in the towel and is back tracking with a general thawing in this part of the city. However I suspect this may just be a ruse to fool him into thinking he has won and that she will come back with a vengeance when he's off guard.
We will see, so watch this space!

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