Up North

By Carwij

Snow Fun, uche, uche...

First day to try out my new toy and it wouldn't stop snowing. With the usual hickingclub staying indoors I asked R. to come with me for a short walk. We carefully drove to the Hoornsche Dijk. I really have to get used to the buttons of the Panasonic being in somewhat other places than my old camera. I managed to find the right button before the car with children was to far away. As I came home I saw that the children on the sledge must have been inhaling lots of exhaust from the car.
We were stunned by a very unusual sighting today. We saw a Beaver! I never saw one in free nature before in Holland! I couldn't get a clear image of him for he was surrounded by branches all the time, but if you look close you can see his flat tail on the ice.
I find most of todays pictures rather dark but it was a dark and grey day.

Part of Windmill

Ice Fun

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