The Meadows' Festival

All the fun of the fair taking place outside our very windows, but thankfully separated from us by a sturdy set of railings.

Yes it's that time of the year again when the Meadows' Festival takes place, the actual fun fair for a few days longer than the stalls, open over the weekend, which sell anything and everything from tat and fast food to this lovely stall of Polish pottery and hand made willow baskets.

The young stall holder couple, one half Polish, are artists with this basket and pottery selling as a money spinning venture. They will shortly be selling online as <>

His Lordship and I didn't buy this teapot, but we did buy a beautiful jug.

Although the heavy rain last night put paid to late music and dancing leaving much of the Meadows a mud bath, the sun today brought out the hordes and dogs, and it seemed a fitting end to our holiday spirit to enter into the spirit of the festivities.

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