
By Grimsayer

Darling son number 2 arrives

A three hour drive to Beziers enabled us to pick up darling son number 2 - term already having finished by 8th June. Students hey......
Before that it was the St Melany market and their wine-tasting event - probably not the best pre-cursor to sitting in a car for several hours. Also quite difficult to enjoy red wine, in particular, at 10 am. Curiously I found white wine much easier to drink at that time. Perhaps breakfast drinks are now sorted for the future?
We did come away with six and a half cases of wine from the Ardeche and look forward to slowly working our way through them. Tonight a real soft buttery chardonnay seems to fit the bill.
The image is of darling son number 2 clutching today's produce form the garden. The plastic box does contain a variety of soft fruit - honest!

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