
By NightNurse


As you all know I took part and completed the Edinburgh Moonwalk last night and this morning.

It was a glorious night, after it stopped raining (and boy did it rain!!!) the first 15 miles went ok, then at that point, for some reason, I could have easily called it a night! But we plodded on, and by about 17 miles I'd got over myself (it's at these times I have to remember why I do it!)

A bit further along the road and sunrise was upon us, we were in Portobello now, and about to drop down to the beach and walk along. The sun rises surprisingly quickly, and it was stunning.

Near the end of the beach where we head off back to Holyrood Park, there is hot chocolate from the volunteers. So a quick stop for hot choc and a bar of chocolate and we were re-energised to carry on!

Once again an event second to none. Well run and organised (or so it seems!) and whilst very challenging also enjoyable. It's a wholly worthy charity too.

Thank you all for your kind words about my 500th blip - of which I was oblivious!

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