Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness

Yes (The Red Album)


what a beautiful word.

Your whole life, you will be said no to 50 times more than you will be said yes to.

The beautiful thing is that when it really matters, it's yes. Although some may believe superficially that yes will be thrown at them from every which direction, yes is a rare occasion, and when it is truly a yes, and both hearts believe it, it's an uncommon thing. When that happens, you just want to hold onto it, and believe that at that very moment, you and no one else is receiving that yes.

It's like my friends says, "everyone wants to be special". Every inch of my heart believes that, and don't for one second doubt it. It's the people that allow that to happen, that make you who you are.

Yes is a beautiful word. It separates humans from other animals. It separates life as we know it, from extreme solitude and emptiness, and it is one true word that reverberates in everyone's ears. So next time, you look into someones eyes, and they ask you a question, if you both know it, it will be a yes.

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