If the Hat Fits

I am way slow posting this one. Friday was the most stressful day at work this year. We had to survey a stretch of A82 trunk road just west of Spean Bridge. While we worked generally on the coned off south lane we had no other option than to go to spells of all red to safely access the north road edge.
I had to hire in a professional traffic management crew. They worked very hard, kept me informed and moved the controlled section forward efficiently to accommodate our work. There were some irate blasts of horns from the more impatient drivers. Ironically these are the very type of drivers who dictate that we need to go to such lengths to ensure personal safety. I think such folk should get to wear a traffic cone for a week.
This is the view east on the A82, with the speed limit count down markers for the village of Spean Bridge. The hill to the left is Meall nan Luath where Mrs SJR and I will take Caley for walk tomorrow. (I’m not psychic just late)

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