bucks life

By bucksmiss

Lights, camera, action

I had to see my HR lady today to discuss my assistant and what we are going to do to resolve the situation. I'm pleased we are taking matters forward now.

Time flew today and I even escaped for lunch. It was so warm outside at one point 27C and the office, while bearable fortunately, was a little stuffy and sweaty at times. I had the pleasure of a client taking my advice today and his accountant telling me I was spot on with some VAT advice I'd given. That pleased me as VAT is on the periphery of my field!

I dashed over to photography after work and we were in the studio today playing with lighting soft, hard, direct, flash and reflected. My blip is of a fellow student and I really liked this one of her. It reminds me of Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring (though I wish I had time to remove the dust speck from her neck!). I got a bit bored as it was slow moving and felt really hot and bothered so left a bit early.

(Edit: our village Duck Race yesterday was mentioned in some detail apparently on Chris Evans' Radio 2 Breakfast Show this morning! I missed it but two friends, one in Kent and one in Lincolnshire, texted me to tell me. How exciting. We are now on the map. I'm still waiting to hear how much was raised for the church funds. I'm hoping for a record year. We do so rely on these funds to keep the village church going)

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