Be Extraordinary.

By MotherWho

Brace yourself...

I want to lose weight by eating nothing but moon pies, which have significantly less gravity than earthier foods such as fruits and vegetables.” ― Jarod Kintz

I stopped smoking just over a year ago and it has revolutionised my life, I have a mast cell disorder, which made me quite poorly on a daily basis and quite literally the day after I quit 90% of my symptoms disappeared, amazing. So along with feeling amazing came my appetite...and dresses that no longer fit.

I love feeling healthy, I love being able to live a more normal life (normal? Hahaha) however pffffft at my clobber not fitting, clobber I had built up over many years.

And then I am reminded it's my friends birthday today, a friend who is no longer with us and I realise that my weight doesn't necessitate this much anxiety.

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