Return to the North

By Viking

Three more sleeps

And then it's the world cup - woohoo - tat's the FOOTBALL World Cup :-)

And to celebrate I took this shot today :-)

Actually I took 188 shots of our kids playing their first home game ever in football against Verdon College. They sadly lost 7-5 but it was a tough and close match and am very proud of them all for giving it a go. Some of them played like girls, some of them played like rugby players (same thing really I reckon!) and some played like they were born to it. All in all I reckon by the end of the season we will have a cracking team (they did win 11-0 last week away)
As principal I feel that I shouldn't really publish shots of the kids so here's the ball instead.

But if you want to see kids from Tui (and me) check out the Southland Times today woohoo

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