Long time looking ...

This is my 1o0th blip today, but not successive, does it still count? I've missed a day here and there, but still quite pleased to get to 100. I started off thinking about recording my work as an adviser for the church as it takes me to some unusual places. Thankfully, I'm learning to see more and celebrate more, but the photography skills haven't improved much. Still very basic.

Unusually, today I had a meeting in my own church. I rarely attend as I'm often in other people's places. This window is in the East end of the church and each time I've attended services, for the last 15 years, I've been looking at this window. There are four images, one with Jesus at the last supper, one with Jesus led to be crucified, one with the empty tomb .... all fairly predictable ..... and the final one, Jesus welcoming children. This is a traditional Victorian theme but strangely timeless, especially for someone who advises the CofE on all things children. So, if designing a stained glass window for the church today, I wonder which four themes people might choose?

Here's to the next 100.

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