My Best Efforts - Year 3


Nearly All Change!.......

............After holiday shopping in Boston yesterday - in a thunderstorm! - I had to return some of the items I had purchased - (two pairs of trousers - too long. and one top which was too big and wasn't keen on when I got it home!)

I had another look round to see if I could find shorter trousers but no good. Had a word with the Manager and asked why no short ones as I had always been able to get them there previously and was somewhat disappointed. He told me I could get them "on line" but things had altered so much in the last twelve months and that the Company now seemed to give priority to Mail Order rather than to their shops. (From his tone of voice, he wasn't keen on the change!) I said, well, yes but you can't try things on, "On Line", can you!

Anyway, I probably have enough so it has saved me some "pennies" - that can't be bad!

It is a lovely day, so instead of driving straight home, I drove along the riverside and took this picture looking at the Town from the other side of the river - thought it looked rather nice in the brilliant sunshine then treated myself to a light lunch - all the ironing can wait for another hour or so - and it will be cooler then too.

BOUI for today:

1) Boston is a town and small port in Lincolnshire, on the east coast of England. (Boston, Mass. USA was named after it)

2) Boston's most notable landmark is St Botolph's Church (The Stump), the largest parish church in England, with one of the taller towers in England visible in the flat lands of Lincolnshire for miles.

3) The name Boston is said to be a contraction of St Botolph's town or of St Botolph's stone. However, fewer people now believe the story, still current, that a settlement in Boston dates from AD 654, when a Saxon monk, named Botolph, established a monastery on the banks of the River Witham. One reason for doubting this is that, in 654, the Witham did not flow near the site of Boston.

4) A report, cited in "The Sun" in 2008, highlighted the fact that Boston has the highest number of immigrants per capita of any town in Britain (an estimated 1/4 of the population are immigrants) - as a sea port and holder of trade fairs, the town was long accustomed to seamen from the Baltic, Hansa merchants and so on.

and 5) In a 2006 survey the people of Boston were labelled as being the fattest in the country!

As already mentioned, it's a beautiful day and fresher than yesterday - it's now 4 pm and is 71 Deg. F.

Hope it's sunny where you are.

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