How the light gets in

By sarahkerr

The Midwinter call's still raining. Parts of Canterbury have suffered flooding, and over 500 homes in Auckland were without power this morning. Apparently it might start getting by Friday, but it's safe to say that the weather is pretty dire here.

I can't wait for the rain to stop so that I can at least get back out on my walks and runs to take some lovely landscapes. As my blip journey continues, I've been reading a lot about camera techniques and landscape photography in particular, and I can't wait to get out to try them. Problem is, I want to try sunrise/sunset shots with my new tripod, but you can hardly even see the sun at the moment.

So, this is a shot through the skylight in our kitchen, which I hope depicts how bleak it is at the moment! Now I know why the Scots celebrate Hogmanay; let's celebrate the sun coming back soon!

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