
By rachelhpreston

Church outing to the beach

Instead of having church today, we all went out to a beautiful beach. The beaches around Santa Marta are incredibly beautiful and the sea is so warm! I still can't get used to this, to me the sea should be freezing!
We had a lovely day of playing in the sea, burying people in the sand and playing football, despite the pitch being so hot we had to regularly stop playing to put water on the pitch to cool it down.
We were also asked at lunch time if one of us would be willing to share something from the bible at our service later, so I said I'd give it a go. So I planned a mini talk in Spanish at 30 minutes notice about Peter walking on the water. I get frustrated so often at my Spanish, but this was a real confidence boost that I was able to do this.
The day ended with a beautiful sunset and a short nap on the bus home!

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