
By SeaGypsy49

Loader arriving by barge.

Our new loader arrived today - new to us, but not a new one. Its the one with the lights going. This is the replacement for the one that died recently, same brand, only a couple of years difference in manufacture date, but this one has lights, doors that shut, window wiper blades, indicators!! and all of its windows, and even a bleeping noise for going backwards. Not so impressed with the bleeping noise, but the other things are a huge improvement on the old one.
As you can see, a grotty day, really pleased we came home from our boating trip a day early.
Showed my picture of the Barracouta trying to get the Blue Cod off the line, by jumping into the air after it, to a neighbour, he has sent it off to a fishing magazine, hoping to get it published with the caption "What release method would Nathan guy’s scientists recommend for this cod?’
As the fishing rules state that we are only allowed to keep Blue Cod between 30 - 35 cm long. All the rest have to be released, dead or alive. We relied on M to do all the measuring for us, as we fished.

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