
By Namaikisaru

Rhapsody in Blue

Today's unwelcome guest is a Kamikiri Mushi. That's an Asian longhorn beetle to you. Most probably male. This guy was saved from death row. After munching his way through several parts of an apple tree and probably the mandarin orange tree next to it he was spotted and sentenced to execution by refrigeration and preservation. Though he has escaped this fate he was placed in a secure holding cell and transported from my friend's garden to model his fantastic deely boppers in my kitchen.

Unfortunately as he is an eater of trees he will not be being released into my garden.

He will instead be released into the garden of someone I don't like or better still into some waste ground with vegetation a reasonable distance from here. The sooner the better as far as the missus is concerned.

Me, mid photoshoot "Oooo look he's flying. I didn't know they had wings"
My better half "Shut the bloody door, it's going to come in here!"

It better stop raining at some point tomorrow. I've had another idea.

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