Eternal Love

By eternallove

What an Adventure

When I first decided to be a small group leader for these 2nd/3rd gr. girls, I really didn't know what to expect from it. I've done VBS before, but this was slightly different because we were using a book from awana.

Starting out, it was a bit overwhelming because I wasn't used to the energy level of 2nd/3rd graders. But over the months, it was fun talking to the girls and seeing how they were doing. I've forgotten how funny kids can be and the joy it is to just be able to hang out with them.

I'm definitely thankful to be able to serve my church as a small group leader and build these friendship with the girls. I'm really going to miss them once I leave home for college.

2nd/3rd gr. orange team, Thank you for the wonderful memories. May you grow up to be wise, compassionate, loving, strong women. (I'm sure I could add more to the list, but this is all I can think of right now...)

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