
I spent most of the day gardening, clearing one of the small borders by this path - yes, there is a path in amongst all that lot of flowers and weeds. It was surprising how long it took, and it was rather hot at times in the sun, but one side is now done, with only 3 plants left in. I am looking forward to buying some new ones now.

Then off to buy the curtains and lampshades for the lounge that I decorated a few months ago - it will be good to get that finally finished. And then a book group meeting to discuss a collection of short stories by Alice Munro, who won the Nobel Prize for literature last year for her short stories. Not my favourite form of fiction, but I did enjoy these, although many of the group didn't like the fact that the stories didn't have real beginnings, middles and ends - they just sort of started and stopped, capturing just a brief moment in time - which is exactly why I liked them!

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