Holy Austin Rock Houses

High over the village of Kinver, on Kinver Edge, are carved the Holy Austin Rock Houses.

These were inhabited until as recently as 1963 and the largest number of inhabitants was listed in the 1861 census as 11 families, 40 people. It was far healthier to live higher up and out of the pollution of the industrial area (many lived well into their 80s which was not common then). They served teas to the tourists from the Black Country when they went to walk Kinver Edge (and let them use the privies carved out for a penny).

The National Trust have restored about six of the rooms and filled them with furniture and items as seen in existing paintings and old photographs.

A fascinating place to visit - and we had the perfect day for them.

My friend had heard about them and suggested we went. I'm SO pleased she did. How can I have lived so relatively close to them and not even been aware of their existence.

We followed this fascinating visit with a delicious lunch at The Fountain in Clent.

Quite the perfect day.

Sparkie and I love having house guests :-)

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