By Himself

By Himself

Conservatory and new lens

Yesterday I received a new lens and today I have been testing it. For those of you interested in camera stuff, the details are below. For others here is an inventory of the less obvious contents of our conservatory.

A green An Post (Irish postal service) flag herself collected in Clonakilty when she blipped the fit lycra-clad cyclists HERE

A bottle of half-drunk elderflower cordial.

Two mops and a broom (dunno why there's two)

An old settle, home to woodworm (it should be outside, but it's so heavy we never get round to moving it)

On the windowledge, some driftwood and a lump of what Herself likes to think is verdigris ambergris (it's candle wax, take my word for it),

Two grapevines (one laden with fruit, the other not),

Marigolds from the garden in a jug I made years and years ago.

Bits and pieces under the windows and a string of those lights in a plastic tube.

And almost hidden, Herself's pencil bag and pile of useful files, magazines and lists. (That would be 'the conservatory lists' as opposed to the kitchen, lounge or handbag lists which are different in a subtle way I can't understand)

A candle sconce on the wall, made by a friend.

A jungley collection of plants, leafy things and stuff we have forgotten about that the cats like to crawl under to perform certain essential tasks when it's raining (well any time we're not around actually).

Camera stuff
A new Samyang 12mm f2 wide-angle lens (18mm full-frame equivalent). Manual focus. No chip so the EXIF data will be wrong - actual aperture was f5.6. It's quite a tricky lens to manage - I took it out to shoot some landscapes but didn't get the exposure completely right. There is no Image Stabilisation so it needs a steady hand and I will need to get my post-processing set up properly. I have corrected the verticals slightly in this image but overall, distortion is very acceptable for a wide angle.

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