The harness

Maybe not resplendent in his harness, but the Fur Child is safe when we go outside. I think we're under enough stress while home is fixed and we're in temporary accommodation so harness it is. (And there is the small point that I'm the alpha of the household and I make the rules ;-)

He's never been in a harness and I thought it could all be a bit of a disaster but he is more adaptable than I thought.

Somewhere between 6.15-6.45am we're out there so he can have a poke, sniff and a pee/pooh. Then we do it all over again at the other end of the day.

I was home in day light today and he was keen to explore. Not only was there poking and sniffing, there was full on forensics too.

Mostly I get bored first, or have to get a move on and get to work, or up the hill for some exercise. Today it was a bit of light house work that called me in. He wasn't pleased but there is a bean bag here he's taken a liking to. He's relaxed and asleep as I blip.

On the house front a little good news today.
1. It's stopped raining and once it's dry enough my roof will be assessed. It didn't leak before the earthquakes and is well maintained but I have a feeling it too will have some fault not attributed to several thousand earthquakes.
2. The builder managed to do what I'm paying for so far without removing a major bit of joinery. That's good :-)
3. I popped in home after work to drop off a few treats for the boys who are working on my home. I met my plasterers and painters and they're Brazilian and oh so lovely.

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