People are fascinating!

Where could you possibly hope to meet an elephant trainer, falconer, bee keeper, estate manager, hunter, keeper of ferrets and all-round great guy all rolled into one person? Today I picked up some scrap wood from my wife's place of work, it helps with winter heating. John, the estate manager (and all the previous, and more), brought one of his hawks to work, a red-tailed hawk, native of North America. And so I learned about night hunting, hunting weight for a bird of prey (they only hunt when hungry so you monitor weight for the optimum time to hunt) & how to train hawks. Unfortunately, I didn't see any elephants, that was part of John's glorious past.

1. Whenever a hawk or eagle appears onscreen, no matter what species, the shrill cry on the soundtrack is almost always a Red-tailed Hawk.
2. Red-tailed Hawks have been seen hunting as a pair, guarding opposite sides of the same tree to catch tree squirrels.
3. The oldest known Red-tailed Hawk was 28 years 10 months old.

It's great meeting people.

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