
By Brotographer

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Just another experimental piece of something based entirely on a photo of my lamp, simple as. Not sure if I like it, but quite happy with the geometrical combination of the waves and rectangles.

Oh yeah and the champions league final was yesterday, forgot to mention that. Big stakes as it was Atletico vs. Madrid. Obviously, I supported Atletico and they were off great, until Ramos' superb and well timed header in over time. From there, it was downhill for Atletico and actually quite sad. Madrid were ruthless and you couldn't help feeling bad for Atletico.
A bunch of us watched the match at ours, which will be remembered for Eve's superb comments which have now earned her the nickname of 'Captain OBVS'. Little does she know, now that world cup season is happening and she's not around, we've taken it upon ourselves to replace her ourselves. Cause you know, in a football game the score will most likely be 0-0, 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 2-0 or 2-2. But as always, "anything can happen." At least we replace the bad TV football commentators quite well!


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