
By weewilkie

there is a light that never goes out

This was taken mid-afternoon, Glasgow summertime. Aye: really. Maybe it's just a broken sensor and the light never goes out. There's something really affecting about a light lit in daylight to me, and I'm not sure why.

I wonder if it is this sense that we all burn away for someone who was in our life at one point and for one reason or another things didn't happen. Life spun its carnival onwards and suddenly we are no longer in contact with that person. Yet still we burn. Maybe not brightly, but we still burn.

I can relate many examples, but the earliest is probably the best for now.

When I was a daft laddie there was a lass that I briefly dated. Well, when I say dated I mean that we decided that we were "going out" with one another. This mostly involved me telling people that I was going out with her. Pointing her out in the playground and saying "aye: her".
She was unimaginably glamorous, she had been the girlfriend of a sixth year and came from Kilmacolm! Kilmacolm was pure exotica to a Portonian. The highpoint of this star-crossed affair of the heart was when we both went to the 2nd year school disco together. I was a wee fart, she was on the cusp of womanhood. We sat at the "bar" while I fretted about what I should be doing. Saddle Up and Ride Your Pony blared from the soundsystem. I was fascinated by my fizzy drink, couldn't take my eyes off it. She was bored and trying to think up an excuse to go somewhere less excruciatingly childish. But I sensed this and pulled out the big guns of my charismatic charms and assured her that *gulp* "I'll go away with you in half an hour!"

She left. I think I gave her a dead arm as a goodbye.

The thought of her stayed with me for years and years after these brief embarrassments. I held on to some perfect picture of her and how it would all come right. This was the light that burned away throughout the daylight of my teen years. There have been others, but they are for other blips. Or not.

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