Merchant Venturers' College & Bristol Cathedral

The building at the front used to be a school (Merchant Venturer's College), which in the last decade was converted into about 50 luxury flats.

I think they did a good job of revitalising it; and love the modern penthouses on top of the original structure.

I snapped this from Trenchard Street car park; after taking C to the dental hospital.

He has very week teeth; which they believe is due to him not taking breast milk; and then another few months before we found a formula he could keep down.

As a result he has 4 caps on his main molars. Last Friday he was there having 2 caps put back on, that had fallen off. Unfortunately one of them was not put on properly and fell off later that day.
So today, we went back and this time it appears to be on a lot tighter.

Fingers crossed.

In other news, my blipbook has turned up, and it's lovely. Thank you so much Joe.

P.S the building at the back is the Cathedral, flying George - ready for tomorrow night :)

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