
Yay! Yay! Yay!

The greenhouse is ready!
Otto made one day a place for it, then we moved this to the right place and today he filled it up with soil. Then after I came from work, I "built" the roof to it =) Now its only waiting for something to grow in it.
Hopefully the I'll get fresh vegetables this year, because this project streched this long and normally I'd had tomates etc. growing on my terrace for a month already.
Also the surroundings need to be fixed, no it look messy.

Btw, I'm surprised that everything I did today went OK although it's Friday 13th. I think I'm so clumsy that I always botch with something =) Oh no, now I said it loud and still have 31minutes this day left!

First pic of the project.
Second pic of the project.

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