Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Moon Set

Manual Settings Challenge: Day 14

Encouraged by comments yesterday I decided I would head out the The Port again this morning to see if I could in fact work out how to take a half decent image of the moon setting. As I was heading out I could see that I would be very lucky to see the moon at all as there was a very heavy cloud cover.

I had just turned the last corner and was heading along a stretch of sugar cane when my heart leapt. The moon had just dropped into a narrow band of clear sky, if I didn't stop the car right there and then I would lose it altogether. Just by chance I was right in front of a tractor that was right there on the side of the road. Lucky me, I even had a decent prop in the foreground!!

I hope you enjoy this image as much as I enjoyed taking it! After the moon had disappeared I headed on out to the port. It was magnificent out there today and I've put this image on my Blip Folio. This beautiful boat was just coming back into home base. I guess they'd been out doing some night fishing.

Thanks again my blipper friends for your extremely kind and generous advice. I couldn't think of a better way to learn how to use my camera. I have to admit, I do wonder if I'm fighting a losing battle trying to beat the Auto side of the camera. It is simply amazing how the manufacturers have been able to program all of the different scenarios. Haven't we come a long way since the first little Kodak Instamatics!!

Post Script: I just thought I would point out that the tractor is attached to a ver large sprinkler and is used to drag the sprinkler along the furrow so that it can water a vast area in a session.

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