Down on the Farm

An unlikely place to find a gypsy caravan down on the farm with not a fortune teller in sight, but there it was in a little corner of Whitmuir Organic Farm in the unlikely sounding hamlet of Lamancha near West Linton.

We took the recuperating car for a test drive there to have our mid morning scone in the café, and a wonderful scone it was too.
It was my reward for a prior visit to the gym and an apple for breakfast. How are the mighty fallen!

There is also a fine little art gallery beside the café with pictures and craft work of a high standard on display.

We wandered round paths in almost but not quite sunshine and stopped to have an in depth one sided conversation with two brown sows fresh from a mud bath and intent on having a massage and scratch against the wire of their field. They weren't giving much away, I have to say.

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