
By Rosemarie55

Swallow on a Wire

Spent the day in the garden - cutting grass, pruning, weeding. Looked for wee beasties - found lots but they kept hiding under leaves:-( Consequence for me was lots of stings from nettles!! Took some macros of my white foxgloves, and fungi growing on a tree stump. Most of those I could get another day but the fellow I chose for my blip is a once in a while - not an everyday event I suspect. Why is it when I'm looking for birds to capture every stone, every twig, and every leaf looks like a bird? This sighting was definitely a bird because he was high up in the sky where birds usually are! I took several of him but they came out as silhouettes this lucky one shows the light accentuating his russet throat.

Swallows are summer visitors, arriving late Spring and returning to their African wintering grounds in late Autumn. What I didn't know is that a few individual birds winter in southern England and Ireland.

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