Looking up...

By tralala


Here are King Charles I's royalist army attacking the parliamentary forces of Malmesbury today, Colonel Nicholas Devereux's Regiment of Foote to be precise. Being Malmesbury residents we were cheering for the parliamentary forces but, alas, they were overrun and most of them lay dead on the field at the end of the battle, while others ran away in all directions.

This is the English Civil War Re-enactment Society recreating a battle for the town in 1643. They have set up a display camp in the Cloister Garden behind the Abbey, with food demonstrations, artisans, craftspeople and of course the soldiers and their muskets. It was very interesting and exciting for Nancy as we followed behind the marching soldiers on their way to battle.

The battle itself was pretty jolly - we all cheered for the first soldier to 'die' and politely applauded the winners, even though they were the opposing 'team'.

There'll be more of the same tomorrow, so expect something similar on my blip!

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